تركيبة المنتج بنظرة سريعة

تم اختيار كل مكون من مكوناتنا بناءً على فعاليته. اعثر على جميع مكونات منتجك مصنفة في مجموعات وفقًا لدورها.

المكونات تحت المجهر

تم اختيار مكونات تركيباتنا وفقًا لمعايير جلدية صارمة للغاية وأوصى بها خبراء سموم مستقلون. مصنفة في ثلاث فئات رئيسية من المكونات النشطة ، سوف تكتشف طبيعة ودور وأصل كل منها من خلال النقر على اسمها.

فيما يلي مجموعة المكونات التي تساهم في الفعالية المتوقعة للمنتج: تلك التي تعمل على تحسين أو الحفاظ على آليات الجلد البيولوجية (مثل الترطيب، وتنشيط الخلايا، وتجديد الدهون)، والمكونات التي لها تأثير فيزيائي أو كيميائي محدد للغاية (التقشير)، وواقيات الشمس...).

يحتوي الماء الخلوي على: أكوا/ماء/EAU، ديسوديوم الأدينوسين ثلاثيُّ الفوسفات، كارنوزين، أملاح معدنية.

المكونات المذكورة هنا هي تلك الموجودة في أحدث تركيبة لهذا المنتج. نظرًا لاحتمال وجود فترة زمنية بين تصنيع المنتج وتوزيعه في السوق، فإننا ندعوك للاطلاع على قائمة المكونات الموجودة على العبوة للحصول على المعلومات الأكثر دقة والتحديثات الأخيرة.


ما هذا؟

Water contained in Cellular Water.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Cellular Water patent.
NAOS has designed a perfectly defined water, meeting the three fundamental criteria for physiological fluids: pH, oxidation resistance, and concentration of mineral salts.
It optimises cellular functioning and preserves the balance of healthy skin.

Components contributing to this patent: aqua/water/eau, disodium adenosine triphosphate, carnosine, laminaria digitata extract, aminoethanesulfinic acid, citric acid, as well as mineral salts.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Mineral origin.

كربوكسيلات الصوديوم لوريل الجلوكوز

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Cleansing: produces foam in contact with water and promotes cleansing.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty acid extracted from vegetable oil.

كابريل / كابريل جلوكوزيد

ما هذا؟

Fatty alcohol and sugar derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Cleansing: produces foam in contact with water and promotes cleansing.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty alcohols and glucose of plant origin.

جلوكوزيد لوريل

ما هذا؟

Sugar and fatty alcohol derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Cleansing: produces foam in contact with water and promotes cleansing.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty alcohol and glucose of plant origin.

بوتيلين غليكول

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Humectant: maintains the skin’s moisture level.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

غلوتامات كوكويل الصوديوم

ما هذا؟

Fatty alcohol and amino acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Cleansing: produces foam in contact with water and promotes cleansing.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty alcohol of plant origin, and glutamic acid (biotechnology).

أمونيوم أكريلويل ميثيل تورات

ما هذا؟

Vinyl acrylic polymer.

ما هو الهدف؟

Gelling: provides the texture with consistency.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

كوكو جلوكوزيد

ما هذا؟

Fatty alcohol and sugar derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Cleansing: removes impurities, dirt and make-up.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty alcohol and glucose of plant origin.

زيت الجليسريل

ما هذا؟

Glycerin and fatty acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Lipid-replenishing: promotes the natural production of the epidermal lipids involved in hydration.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Combination of glycerin and fatty acid extracted from vegetable oil.

بالميتويل برولين

ما هذا؟

Fatty acid and amino acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Sensory agent: provides the foam with richness and consistency.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Combination of fatty acid extracted from vegetable oil, and proline (biotechnology).

هيدروكسي تولوين بوتيل

ما هذا؟

Aromatic derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: prevents the oxidation of the ingredients contained in the product.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Preservative: protects the product from microbial contamination throughout its use.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Humectant: maintains the skin’s moisture level.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

عطور (عطر)

ما هذا؟

Fragrance composition.

ما هو الهدف؟

Scent & Fragrance: provides the product with olfactory sensory appeal.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Combination of synthesised and plant-based odour molecules.

إيديتات كالسيوم ثنائي الصوديوم

ما هذا؟

Edetic acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

غلوتامات بالميتويل المغنيسيوم

ما هذا؟

Fatty alcohol and amino acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty alcohol of plant origin, and glutamic acid (biotechnology).

الصوديوم بالميتويل ساركوزينات

ما هذا؟

Fatty acid and amino acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Sensory agent: optimises sensory appeal to ensure pleasure of use and a silky feel with a matte finish.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty acid extracted from vegetable oil, and amino acids (biotechnology).

حمض السوربيك

ما هذا؟

Sorbic acid.

ما هو الهدف؟

Preservative: protects the product from microbial contamination throughout its use.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

حمض الستريك

ما هذا؟

Citric acid.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: helps adjust the product’s pH.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by biotechnology.Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

فركتو ليجو سكاريد

ما هذا؟

Sugar macromolecule.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Skin Balance System patent.
This patented complex helps maintain the balance of the skin’s protective flora.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

البروبيلين غليكول

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Humectant: maintains the skin’s moisture level.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

مستخلص جذور عرق السوس

ما هذا؟

Liquorice extract with guaranteed glabridin content.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to Hypopigmentaline technology.
This technology regulates pigmentation mechanisms to limit the appearance of pigmentation disorders.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Liquorice root extraction.

علكة بيوسكاريد -1

ما هذا؟

Sugar macromolecule.

ما هو الهدف؟

Emulsifying: enables the formation and stabilisation of an emulsion.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

غلوكوزيد أسكوربيل

ما هذا؟

Vitamin C derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to Hypopigmentaline technology.
This technology regulates pigmentation mechanisms to limit the appearance of pigmentation disorders.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by biotechnology from synthesised ascorbic acid.
Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

الجلوكوزامين هيدروكلورايد

ما هذا؟

Sugar derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to Hypopigmentaline technology.
This technology regulates pigmentation mechanisms to limit the appearance of pigmentation disorders.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by synthesis.

To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

أسيتات توكوفريل

ما هذا؟

Vitamin E derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: neutralises free radicals and their harmful effects on the skin.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Humectant: maintains the skin’s moisture level.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, of plant origin.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Cellular Water patent.
NAOS has designed a perfectly defined water, meeting the three fundamental criteria for physiological fluids: pH, oxidation resistance, and concentration of mineral salts.
It optimises cellular functioning and preserves the balance of healthy skin.

Components contributing to this patent: aqua/water/eau, disodium adenosine triphosphate, carnosine, laminaria digitata extract, aminoethanesulfinic acid, citric acid, as well as mineral salts.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by synthesis.

To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

مستخلص نبات الباذنجان

ما هذا؟

Boldo extract.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Skin Balance System patent.
This patented complex helps maintain the balance of the skin’s protective flora.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Boldo leaf extraction.

ديسوديوم الأدينوزين ثلاثي الفوسفور

ما هذا؟

Nucleotide (ATP).

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Cellular Water patent.
NAOS has designed a perfectly defined water, meeting the three fundamental criteria for physiological fluids: pH, oxidation resistance, and concentration of mineral salts.
It optimises cellular functioning and preserves the balance of healthy skin.

Components contributing to this patent: aqua/water/eau, disodium adenosine triphosphate, carnosine, laminaria digitata extract, aminoethanesulfinic acid, citric acid, as well as mineral salts.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by biotechnology.Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

مستخلص الجذر مورس نيجرا

ما هذا؟

White mulberry extract.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: neutralises free radicals and their harmful effects on the skin.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Wheat mulberry leaf extraction.

مستخلص فاكهة التفاح

ما هذا؟

Apple extract.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: neutralises free radicals and their harmful effects on the skin.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Apple extraction.

بنتيلين جليكول

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

مستخلص لاميناريا ديجيتاتا

ما هذا؟

Brown algae extract.

ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Cellular Water patent.
NAOS has designed a perfectly defined water, meeting the three fundamental criteria for physiological fluids: pH, oxidation resistance, and concentration of mineral salts.
It optimises cellular functioning and preserves the balance of healthy skin.

Components contributing to this patent: aqua/water/eau, disodium adenosine triphosphate, carnosine, laminaria digitata extract, aminoethanesulfinic acid, citric acid, as well as mineral salts.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Laminaria algae extraction.

أسكوربيل ميثيل سيلانول بكتين

ما هذا؟

Vitamin C derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: neutralises free radicals and their harmful effects on the skin.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Combination of plant-origin pectin, and a vitamin C derivative obtained by synthesis.


ما هذا؟

Vitamin E or tocopherol.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: prevents the oxidation of the ingredients contained in the product.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by synthesis.

To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

كابريل جليكول

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

صمغ زنتان

ما هذا؟

Xanthan gum.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.

مستخلص أوراق مورس ألبا

ما هذا؟

White mulberry extract.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: neutralises free radicals and their harmful effects on the skin.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Wheat mulberry leaf extraction.

سيترات جليسريد النخيل المهدرجة

ما هذا؟

Glycerin and fatty acid derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained from fatty acids and glycerins extracted from vegetable oil, and citric acid (biotechnology).

ميثيل بارابين الصوديوم

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Preservative: protects the product from microbial contamination throughout its use.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Time Control System patent.
This patented complex reactivates the production of cellular energy and fights against excess oxidative stress.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by synthesis.

To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, extracted from vegetable oil.

بيسلفيت الصوديوم

ما هذا؟

Sulphur derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: prevents the oxidation of the ingredients contained in the product.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

كبريتيت الصوديوم

ما هذا؟

Sulphur derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Preservative: protects the product from microbial contamination throughout its use.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

أسكوربيل بالميتات

ما هذا؟

Vitamin C derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Antioxidant: prevents the oxidation of the ingredients contained in the product.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Obtained by synthesis from fatty acid extracted from vegetable oil, and synthesised vitamin C.

بروبيل بارابين

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Preservative: protects the product from microbial contamination throughout its use.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.


ما هذا؟

Glycerin derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: contributes to the product’s homogeneity or stability.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

التخلص من الأكسيد الفائق

ما هذا؟


ما هو الهدف؟

Contributes to the Time Control System patent.
This patented complex reactivates the production of cellular energy and fights against excess oxidative stress.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟

Component naturally found in the skin, obtained by biotechnology.Biotechnology uses biological processes, including natural fermentation, to obtain ingredients.


ما هذا؟

Amino derivative.

ما هو الهدف؟

Stabilising: helps adjust the product’s pH.

كيف حصلت على هذا الشيء؟


To select an ingredient, NAOS can call on synthesis in order to:
- reconstitute a natural molecule without having to extract it from a plant and thus better respect biodiversity,
- obtain a pure, perfectly defined ingredient.

What type of skin is this product made for? How to apply ESTHE-WHITE MOUSSE NETTOYANTE ÉCLAIRCISSANTE JEUNESSE ? When to use it? 

All the answers are on the INSTITUT ESTHEDERM website.




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